♻️ Reuse, Repair & Recycling Alert 15th February



Members & CRNI news 


⚠️ Important notice to members!


👕Our first textiles themed ‘drop in’ session is happening next Tuesday, 22 Feb @ 2pm. 

During this 90 minute session, we’ll cover the following:


Policy updates:  repair, reuse and recycling updates for the textiles sector 

– CRNI updates: An update on our Circular Textiles project

– Member updates: Emily from Thriftify on their rebranding process

– Time to chat / network / ask questions of your peers

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83819447445?pwd=WllOWEk3c0NKQ3RaYkE4QkNLYWxWZz09

Passcode: 024900


💡CRNI is attending the National Waste Management Conference, 10 March. 

Please post any materials you’d like us to have at our stand to:



10 North Great George’s St


D01 V3K5


🗞Member news




🤖Tweet of the week (click to learn more)


💡Business support


  • Going Green with the OGP: The Office of Government Procurement have compiled useful information on sustainable procurement.
  • Innovation Fund – Best Practices And Statistics From Previous Calls For Proposals: This document aims at supporting applicants in preparing successful bids, providing them with the most relevant best practices, the mistakes to avoid on the basis of an analysis of project proposals submitted for the 2020 calls for Large and Small Scale Projects.
  • Carmichael Mentoring Programme: The program will is now open for applications for the Spring 2022 mentoring round. Please complete a Mentee application form and return it to [email protected] by February 23rd.
  • Social Enterprise Regeneration Programme: This Social Enterprise Regeneration initiative will support your recovery and development post COVID-19 – learn more here. 
  • 1:1 Strategy Planning Clinics for Galway based social enterprises: Multiple dates available. See more here.
  • SSNO Application Support: Watch the overview video here
  • Remote Playbook for SME’s: This playbook has been co-created in partnership with Ireland’s leading remote-first companies.These organisations have shared their experiences, insights and expertise with us, to help other organisations on the journey. Learn more.
  • Video resources from Charity Trustees Week 2021: Watch webinar playbacks here.
  • Subscribe to the EPA Newsletter: Subscribe to EPA Research newsletters and flyers to receive updates on research calls, upcoming events, published reports and more. 




 📄Policy & reports


Important deadline reminders:



  • New publication ‘Back to Earth – Composting for Various Contexts’: A new guide by GAIA Asia Pacific,  Back to Earth, encourages people to explore every facet of composting. Whether in a sprawling backyard or in a limited space such as a high-rise apartment, composting can be customized to suit any situation. 
  • Sign the petition: A global treaty on Plastics



🔑Funding & awards


 Important deadline reminders:



📈Business opportunities


  • Irish Waste Management Conference 10 March 2022: Please send any promotional materials you would like displayed at the CRNI stand to our postal address. Or contact [email protected] with other ideas!


🤓Reading, Listening, Watching




👋🏻 Events 


CRNI Members only

We’ve updated our 2022 schedule of member events, check them out here!

Have something you’d like us to do? Get in touch with [email protected]



Public Reuse, Repair & Recycle events


16 Feb: Workshop. Strategic Planning

17 February: Workshop.Circular waste management lV: collection and recycling of C&D

17 Feb, Webinar: Responsible Consumption in the Community

17 Feb, Workshop: Risk Management

17-18 February: Conference. Conference on Social economy, the future of Europe in Strasbourg

18 February: Measuring Ireland’s Progress: Launch of Sustainable Progress Index 2022

22 February: Workshop. Introduction to EU Funding Programme

22 February: Networking event. Celebrating Social Entrepreneurs – Impact Investors

24 February: Contest. Social Innovation Tournament. 

28 Feb, Workshop: Design Thinking

1-2 March: Conference. Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference

2 March, Workshop: Finance for non-financial Managers

3 March, Workshop: Running an Effective Meetings

10 March. Conference. The Irish Waste Management Conference 2022 – The Role of the Circular Economy in tackling Climate Change – Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin

10 March: Conference. National Food Waste Conference (UK)

21 March: Workshop: Designing Your EU Project

24 March: Online event. RREUSE Innovation Forum. Email [email protected] for link to take part.

24 March. NIRN Conference ‘Voices and Vision for The Circular Economy in Northern Ireland’ Save the date

24-25 Mar, Conference: Impact Summit 2022

26 March: Conference. Net Zero Conference

7 Apr, Workshop: Meeting Your Charity Regulation Obligations 

26 April: Workshop. Building an EU Partnership

5-6 May, Conference: Social Economy, The Future of Europe

12 May: Workshop.  Writing your EU Funding Application

1 June: Conference. The Wheel – Annual Summit (Save the date)

14-15 September: Conference. Lets Recycle Live



Sign up to our quarterly newsletter for more information on reuse and recycling and be part of Ireland’s only reuse and recycling network. For information about our privacy practices, see here.

Our funders

Department of the Enviornment, Climate and Communications

CRNI receives core and operational funding through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. 

For more information, check out their website

Project Funding

Waste Regions Logos

Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair

CRNI’s Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair is funded by Ireland’s Regional Waste Management Plan Offices. This innovative virtual platform is open 24/7 and gives visitors the opportunity to explore green and social procurement opportunities provided by reuse, repair and recycling social enterprises and community-based organisations across Ireland.

Access the Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair here.

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