In March 2024, CRNI secured a funding grant from the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, that triggered a transformation of our organisational structure, enabling a more strategic and purposeful structural approach to the ever growing demand of CRNI’s work.

Following a competitive recruitment process, the Board of CRNI is delighted to announce the appointments of the following positions:

Executive Director: Chris Mooney- Brown
Chris has held senior management and leadership positions in the visual arts sector in Wales and the UK, pursuing a mission to improve infrastructure and conditions for artistic practice. He led the visual arts organisation g39 in Cardiff which championed the circular economy in many of its practices, and made company-wide efforts to become a zero-waste venue. Chris recently compiled a business proposal for a Library of Things at g39 to enhance its commitment to the local community and the sharing economy. Having relocated to Ireland in 2022 he has worked as a freelance consultant for charitable organisations, alongside studies for a MScs in Voluntary and Community Sector Management at University College Cork.

Network Manager: Emma Kavanagh
You’ll know Emma as the former National Executive for CRNI, her passion for building relationships and working with members has led her to this new and exciting role with CRNI.
Emma is a passionate storyteller with a keen interest in communicating impact in dynamic, accessible and meaningful ways. She has dedicated her career to the non-profit sector in Ireland and Canada, developing her project and relationship management skills with a number of diverse stakeholders. Emma has experiences as a volunteer and an employee across many non-profit organisations specialising in fundraising, advocacy and social impact.

The two new roles at CRNI will work to deliver enhanced, consistent and meaningful support for members and the sector; collectively advocating for
members and for the first time, a dedicated resource responsible for member networking & events!

At a glance:

The Executive Director will develop and strengthen CRNI‘s:
  • promotion and advocacy efforts
  • drive innovative projects
  • build organisational capacity
  • diversify funding sources
  • foster collaboration & knowledge sharing
The Network Manager will play a pivotal role for CRNI by:
  • expanding the reach of membership
  • enhancing member capacity
  • provide targeted support to network members
  • developing a robust communications strategy

With these new appointments and the recent funding grant, CRNI is ready to push its mission with new energy. Chris and Emma bring valuable experience and skills that will advance innovative projects, improve advocacy, and develop our member supports and expand the reach of the network. As we look ahead, CRNI is committed to working collectively as a strong voice to create an enabling environment for social enterprises and communities to benefit from the social, environmental and economic value of all reusable resources. We’re excited about this next chapter organisation and the opportunities it brings.

  • June 7, 2024

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Our funders

Department of the Enviornment, Climate and Communications

CRNI receives core and operational funding through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. 

For more information, check out their website

Project Funding

Waste Regions Logos

Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair

CRNI’s Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair is funded by Ireland’s Regional Waste Management Plan Offices. This innovative virtual platform is open 24/7 and gives visitors the opportunity to explore green and social procurement opportunities provided by reuse, repair and recycling social enterprises and community-based organisations across Ireland.

Access the Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair here.

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