IT recycling firm AMI is joining forces with CRNI member and charity Camara Education to help refurbish second-hand computers for disadvantaged students in Ireland and Africa.
Camara Education, which has long campaigned to put technology in the hands of schoolchildren who can’t afford it, will outsource its Dublin-based refurbishment operations to AMI. Based in Dublin and Belfast, AMI is the market leader in the secure disposal and reuse of IT equipment, data destruction and WEEE recycling. They are the only Irish company to be certified to the ADISA IT Disposal Industry Standard and one of only four globally to hold a Distinction with Honours. The services provided by AMI are fully certified in line with the highest level of industry standards and certified to ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 and 27001.
This partnership will enable Camara Education to offer a better, more secure, GDPR compliant, service to their supporters and increase the number of computers delivered to schools in Africa and Ireland. Camara Education has installed 106,500 computers in schools and youth centres, and trained more than 47,000 teachers to date.
Donors will continue to liaise directly with Camara Education whilst AMI will now handle the collecting, processing, preparation, and shipping of computers for the charity’s projects.
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