Bike up-cycling and upskilling

We are a local bike shop…. but more. We are a social enterprise with a mission. All our bikes are used, renovated and upcycled. We train and upskill people in the community who have struggled with addiction

Frontline provide services to those who need help overcoming addiction and wish to make change. We provide aftercare support, counselling, holistics, key working and more.

With Frontline Bikes we are putting people with a history of addiction back to work.  This is an opportunity for re-education and upskilling but also creates a social return which benefits the community.

Call: 087 737 7737

Visit:147 Emmet Road Inchicore

Email: [email protected]


Sign up to our quarterly newsletter for more information on reuse and recycling and be part of Ireland’s only reuse and recycling network. For information about our privacy practices, see here.

Our funders

EPA Circular Economy Programme

CRNI supports its members and works to mainstream reuse thanks to core funding provided by the EPA under the Circular Economy Programme.

For more information about the programme see here.

Project Funding

Waste Regions Logos

Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair

CRNI’s Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair is funded by Ireland’s Regional Waste Management Plan Offices. This innovative virtual platform is open 24/7 and gives visitors the opportunity to explore green and social procurement opportunities provided by reuse, repair and recycling social enterprises and community-based organisations across Ireland.

Access the Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair here.

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