CRNI holds events to raise awareness about community resources, our members and our work in the network. 

A key date in our calendar is our biennial conference, which has been postponed due to Covid-19. We also run or participate in seminars and other events throughout the year. Below are presentations and images from past events.


CRNI Conference
The Wheel Summit
Ecodesign briefing
CIWM Festival
Sustainability Webinar


Click images to find more information

ReMark webinar
Bulky Item Reuse
Briefing: reuse and repair
NI networking event
Reuse & Covid
Circular Procurement


Click images to find more information

Jobs & Skills seminar
Circular & Social event
Bulky Item Reuse


Click images to find more information

CRNI Biennial Conference: Jobs and Skills in the Circular Economy (2 & 3 June)

Our Biennial Conference explored how we can make the most of the evolving policy and funding landscape to create real career opportunities in reuse and repair in Ireland. We are very grateful to the 198 people who joined the event, 23 speakers for making it so interesting, the EPA for their support under the National Waste Prevention Programme and to the wonderful team at Streamfox who provided technical support. Recordings from all of the sessions are available below.

Day 1: Opening by Mary Frances Rochford (EPA), Panel Discussion on circular jobs, with Leslie Carberry (Dept. Environment), Paul Goldrick Kelly (Nevin Economic Research Institute), Michal Len (RREUSE) and Luis Sosa (Circle Economy), hosted by Cara Augustenborg 

Day 1: Break out session on delivering circular and digital jobs, featuring Emma Connors (ReCreate) Aoibheann O’Brien (FoodCloud) facilitated by Cara Augustenborg

Day 1: Break out session on delivering jobs with social impact, featuring Una Lavelle (RecycleIT) and Martin Ward (BounceBack Recycling) facilitated by Christine Costelloe (CRNI)

Day 1: Break out session on delivering rural jobs, featuring Triona Dennehy (IRD Duhallow Furniture Revamp) and Linda Ward (Irish Charity Shops Association) facilitated by Claire Downey (CRNI)

Day 1: Wrap up for Day 1 with Dr Cara Augustenborg, Christine Costelleo (CRNI) and Claire Downey (CRNI)

Day 2: Opening by Claire Downey (CRNI), Panel Discussion on circular skills, with Trudy Duffy (Dept Further and Higher Education), Dr Sarah Miller (Rediscovery Centre), Dr Adam Read (SUEZ / CIWM), Dr Joanne Rourke (EMWR) and hosted by Chris Gordon

Day 2: Lightning Talks on emerging training and qualifications in reuse and repair with Martina Hourigan and Phyllis Jordan (Roscommon Women’s Network), Paul O’Donnell (An Mheitheal Rothar) and Peter Davitt (FIT), hosted by Chris Gordon

Day 1: Wrap up and Conference Close with Una Lavelle (RecycleIT, Chair of CRNI)

The Wheel Summit 2021: Panel Discussion on The Role of the Community and Voluntary Sector in Shaping the Future

As part of this panel discussion, CRNI presented on the role of social enterprise in the circular economy, the needs to support social enterprise and opportunities for the future.

Ecodesign regulations and the right to repair

Chloe Mikolajczak from the Right to Repair Campaign and Claire Downey from CRNI presented to the EPA, Department of Environment, Climate and Communications and Local Authorities about the new Ecodesign regulations and what these will mean for Ireland.

CIWM Festival of Circular Economy

Claire from CRNI shared some of the exciting developments happening in the reuse and repair sector in Ireland and how CRNI is helping contribute to these including the research into measuring reuse (Q2Reuse), circular and social procurement, Circular Textiles, establishing a new reuse and repair network NI-RN and more.

Sustainability Webinar

Claire from CRNI presented as part of Premier Publishing’s online Sustainabliity Webinar in April 2021.

ReMark - Ireland's Quality Mark for Reuse

This third event as part of the EPA’s 2020 Green Enterprise webinar series described how ReMark, Ireland’s Quality Mark of Excellence, addresses consumer concerns about second hand goods and how three organisations successfully became ReMark accredited reuse centres. 

The recording wil be made available shortly but in the meantime you can download the presentation below or contact [email protected] with any queries.

Delivering a Service Model for Bulky Item Reuse

The EPA hosted a webinar, the first of a 2020 series on Green Enterprise projects, to disseminate the findings of CRNI’s Green Enterprise project Delivering a Service Model for Bulky Item Reuse. Over 50 atttendees heard about the challenges – and opportunities – to avoid the skip and find an outlet for bulky items. 

EU and National Policy Briefing on Reuse and Repair with RREUSE

CRNI and RREUSE held a policy briefing session on 10th September 2020 with the EPA and DCCAE covering the latest policy developments at EU level that impact prevention and preparation for reuse, and to explore how these might impact on Ireland’s reuse sector.

Download RREUSE presentation here and CRNI presentation here

Download CRNI Presentation here

Download DAERA Presentation here

Northern Ireland Reuse and Repair Sector Virtual Networking Event

Northern Ireland reuse and repair stakeholders were invited to join this online event to network with others, share views and connect with DAERA as part of a new initiative funded by DAERA and led by CRNI to set up a pilot NI reuse and repair network. The pilot project follows on from a feasibility of Setting up a Reuse and Repair Network in Northern Ireland available here, which highlighted the value of such a network. Presentations can be downloaded across.

Lightning Talk: Reuse and the Circular Economy post-Covid - 14 Apr 2020

This online event run by Designers in the City covered how COVID has seen a shift toward disposable away from Single-Use Plastic, what might be the long term impact of COVID on attitudes to reuse, what impact it has had on operators and on policy development and opportunities for new business models. Download the CRNI presentation here, Rediscovery Centre here and VOICE Ireland here.

Procurement Summit: An Innovative Circular and Social Procurement Project

CRNI spoke at the annual Procurement Summit about the flagship Green and Social Procurement Project in Tullamore. Download the CRNI presentation here.

Future Jobs & Skills for a Circular Economy - 29 Oct 2019

Over 80 people attended this event organised by CRNI supported by the EMWR, CIWM Ireland, AIT and Midlands Regional Skills Forum on 29th October in Athlone, to discuss the types of jobs that will emerge from a more Circular Economy, where and how these will alleviate unemployment. Speakers photos and information is included below.

Key Findings

  • The Circular Economy will require a holistic approach, disruption to the current system of consumption and has sigificant potential to reduce GHG emissions.
  • Key barriers include the sometimes high cost of reuse and repair, a lack of understanding of reuse, a lack of cross-departmental or sectoral buy-in, poor and complex design of products, failure to monetise the hidden environmental costs of products and a lack of long term thinking.
  • Key opportunities include public procurement, new business approaches and models, tapping growing environmental awareness to drive behavioural change, existing educational supports (see Regional Skills Forum below), exciting research (see below) and emerging ecodesign legislation.
  • The Circular Economy will require skills and jobs across all skills levels, throughout rural and urban communities and could help revitalise sectors like craft or local manufacturing (see Green Alliance presentation below). To support growth in this area, 3rd level institutes need to appraise all courses for circular economy opportunities, we need to address the current mismatch of skills, and look at tech, STEM and data as part of the overall picture.
Chris Gordon (SocEnt Ireland), facilitator, welcoming guests
Event sponsor Joanne Rourke Eastern Midlands Region Waste Office opening talk
Michael Tobin, Dean of Faculty of Further Learning, outlining Athlone IT's role
Duncan Stewart presenting on circular economy and climate action
Caterina Brandmayr, Green Alliance, on the types of jobs in a more circular economy, and where
Panel L-R Una Lavelle (RecycleIT), Roger Warburton (Rediscovery Centre), Nora Fahy (Roscommon Women's Network), Bernie Kiely (Dept Communciations Climate Action and Environment)
L-R Claire (CRNI), Dr Margaret Brennan Fournet (AIT); Fr Shay Casey (AIT), Helen Donnelly (Skills Xchange Mullingar), Prof. Neil Rowan (AIT); Christine Costello (CRNI); Dr Noel Gately (AIT); Chris Gordon (SocEnt)
Panel L-R Enda O'Dowd (National College of Art and Design), Ciaran Nugent (Nevin Economic Research Institute), Sean Tinkler (Wisetek), Tricia Watson (CIWM)
John Costello, Midlands Regional Skills Forum outlining supports available for skills development
Bill Dolan, Chartered Institute of Waste Management and co-sponsors of this event

Circular and Social Enterprises: Helping our Climate - October 2019

Over 65 people attended this event on 24th October in Cork, to meet key authorities and enterprises supporting reuse and recycling in Cork and to explore the Sustainable Development Goals #8 (Decent work and economic growth), #12 (Responsible consumption and production), #13 (Climate action) and #17 (Partnerships).

Speakers photos and links to further information are included below.

Event sponsors Mary Walsh (Cork City Council) and Pauline McDonogh (Southern Region Waste Management Office)
Karel Vanderpoorten, DG GROW, European Commission
Claire Downey, CRNI
Victor Branagan, representing Boomerang Enterprises
Eugene Glover, Kingdom Furniture Revamp
Eimear Delahunty, FoodCloud & Caroline Murphy, West Cork Eggs FoodCloud supplier
Frank O'Neil, Deaf Enterprises

CRNI at the Sustainability Summit - January 2019

Rosemarie MacSweeney CRNI spoke at the National Sustainability Summit in January 19 about our EPA funded Bulky Items Reuse project. 

Claire Downey also spoke at a parallel Summit on Plastics, Printing and Packaging about plastics and design for a more circular economy. Both presentations, and a short video, are available below.

Rosemarie MacSweeney

Consumer engagement as part of the EPA's Strategy

CRNI Biennial Conference - September 2018

The 2018 conference sought to explore how to change habits to make reuse part of our everyday lives at home and in business.

The full programme is available here and speaker’s biograhpies here.

Presentations from this event are available by clicking on the title below.

Trevor Anderson, Oxfam
Samantha Moir, Zero Waste Scotland
Adam Ferguson, Distilled SCH
Trewin Restorick, Hubbub
Dr Simon O'Rafferty, EPA
Wouter Spekkink, Sustainable Consumption Institute
Suzie Cahn, VOICE Ireland
Dr Sarah Miller, Rediscovery Centre
Dr Colin Fitzpatrick, University of Limerick


Claire Downey, Opening Session
Eamon Ryan TD
Sinead Ni Mhainnin, Connaught Ulster Regional Waste Office
Dr Eimear Cotter, EPA
Panel Discussion
Video Booth, filming Reuse testimonials
Jay & Gerry from Riptide Movement with Christine, CRNI
Delicious snacks from FoodCloud ingredients by Trevor of Sophia Housing
Workshop - journey mapping
CRNI members

Social Enterprise, Innovators for a Circular Economy - September 2018

This evening reception was sponsored by the Eastern-Midlands Waste Regional Office (EMWRO) and organised by CRNI as part of an EU-wide campaign by DG GROW to showcase social enterprise.

It was addressed by Karel Vanderpoorten of the European
Commission’s Directorate General for Enterprise, DG GROW and was built around conversations with three social enterprises in the reuse and recycling sector. The evening’s programme is available here


City Hall
Claire Downey, CRNI
Joanne Rourke, Eastern Midlands Waste Region
Karel Vanderpoorten, DG GROW
Third Space Catering
Workshop Conversations
Workshop Conversations
Workshop Coversations
Lynn Boylan MEP, Enda Fanning Sinn Fein, Claire Downey CRNI

Other past events

Tipperary Green Business' Moving Toward a Circular Economy Event - Click to download CRNI presentation
Tipperary Green Business Event - Ann Marie Donlon (EPA), Christine Costelloe (CRNI), Jean Clarke (DCCAE), Claire Downey (CRNI)
Reuse Month display "At Work" Office Scene including Back2New furniture, Charity Shop clothes & shoes & Camara refurbished laptop
Waterford Partnership Network's ReMade in Wateford Event - Click to download CRNI presentation
ReMade in Waterford Event - Claire Downey (CRNI), Kay Sinnot-Browne (Traditional Skills Unit), Liz Riches (Waterford Partnership Network), Sarah Miller (Redisocvery Centre)

Sign up to our quarterly newsletter for more information on reuse and recycling and be part of Ireland’s only reuse and recycling network. For information about our privacy practices, see here.

Our funders

Department of the Enviornment, Climate and Communications

CRNI receives core and operational funding through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. 

For more information, check out their website

Project Funding

Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair

CRNI’s Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair is funded by Ireland’s Regional Waste Management Plan Offices. This innovative virtual platform is open 24/7 and gives visitors the opportunity to explore green and social procurement opportunities provided by reuse, repair and recycling social enterprises and community-based organisations across Ireland.

Access the Green + Social Virtual Trade Fair here.

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